Mark Twain may be our most famous humorist. Then there's the New Yorker magazine crowd. (Benchley Parker, Thurber, etc...)
Some of Ring Lardner's sports stories were funny enough that even if you had no interest in sports, you still enjoyed the stories. Stories that spotlight human foibles always seem to work.
I remember someone telling me about Norman Cousins and the laughter as medicine movement, and please take joke books as gifts for cancer patients because a Jackie Mason book can help them heal. Is anyone still doing this when they visit hospitals? Some say that chimpanzees laugh. A few people say a lot of other animals laugh.
To laugh is to be self aware, I forget where I read that. I don't feel very self aware this morning.
"Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke."
- Steve Martin
" I am a writer. I spend my days kneeling in the muck of language, feeling around for gooey verbs, nouns, and modifiers that I can squash together to make a blob of a sentence that bears some likeness to reason and sense. Imagine my ecstasy when I come across a hard, clean, bright, shiny number. Behold this gem of precision, perfect in its clarity and radiating mathematical reasonableness and arithmetical sensibility in every direction. I am free at last from the slime of words. Are shadows stretching their spectral arms to embrace the decline of day? Do vespers sound their quotidian knell? Does the gloaming echo with prelude to the nightingale’s descant? No! The sun sets at 7:56, and shut up."
-P.J. O'Rourke
Please leave a humorous comment.
2 silk worms had a race, it ended in a tie.
still checking out your blog. great stuff. keep it up.
Why couldn't the violiin find the cello? Because it was Hayden.
That's L's joke, btw.
Another one from L:
How do you get Pikachu on the bus?
You Pokemon.
Muppets are funny.
I love Guy Wetmore Carryl - Fables for the Frivolous are great fun.
stephen fry is continuing the Wildean tradition of extremely clever funnyness here in the UK
(not humorous, but true)
(tho its some time since i read any of his writing except for a very entertaining guardian column on gadgets)
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