My Aunt Colleen knew we loved books, so when she visited from Pawtucket, she'd bring a box of goodies for us. Each book had a tiny label in it that said the name of her local book shop ( Little Acorn Book Shop) and the address. The effect these labels had on me was to make me want to visit the Little Acorn Book Shop. (but I never did, and the way things go, it probably no longer exists.) I pictured it to be a cozy, perfect little shop, anyway.
She gave us both new and old books, and in one gift box was a mint condition copy of a book called Charley Weaver's Family Album-- Out of all the books Colleen gave us, this was the most absurd one. We didn't even know who Charley Weaver was.
He is the grandfather of a group of actors, those Arquettes -- (the first names escape me.) Anyway, years passed and the book was lost, and I forgot it existed, or so I thought.
A few summers ago I was hanging out with friends, talking about books and pop culture, and this book popped into my head. I tried to describe it, how silly it was, but I couldn't. Later a friend went online and found a copy through the website. She secretly ordered it as a little joke gift for me and surprised me with it some days later.
That night she and I attended a fund raising event. Sitting at our table, we started getting the 'stupid giggles' over something in the book, and a serious looking man approached us and wanted to be let in on the joke. Without thinking, we tried to describe this book to him, which only resulted in our laughing so hard we almost cried.
The man had never heard of Charley Weaver, explaining he was much older than us girls and wasn't up on all the latest people in pop culture. (!) The man turned out to be a judge, and spent the rest of the evening talking with us. We stopped trying to explain who Charley Weaver was, but every time we made eye contact, we'd get the inappropriate giggles again, so we forced ourselves to just look at and listen to the judge tell his stories of being a judge. (none of which I remember.)
I put the book away, and many months later when I glanced through it again, I noticed a tiny label in it. Could it be?