My little nephew *Noddy Boffin, asked me why two of the statue children weren't reading their books. I explained to him that reflection is a part of enjoying a good book, stopping to think about something you've just read, I added. He thought about it and nodded. He said that he reflects too, when he reads.
*not his real name.
L used to go all around the children's room section and take down all the display books to take out. I always apologized, and the librarian was always gracious.
Nice group: King Tut and Will Ferrell. I'd reflect a lot on those, I think.
That is a very nice-looking little library indeed, and I must say, neat as the proverbial pin!
I don't make the time for books like I used to.
"Our Mutual Friend" is one of the few books by Dickens I haven't read. Some day, maybe.
Will Ferrel, and Jackie Robinson, outflanked by King Tut and King Vlad makes for an ...interesting lineup.
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